Discover scientific answers proving that the Genesis account of a worldwide flood is true history.
According to the Bible, Noah's flood occurred just thousands of years ago and wiped out all terrestrial life on earth, save just thousands of animal "kinds" and 8 people inside the Ark. The big is – can this be scientifically proven?.
The answer provided on this video is – YES!
This video examines the scientific evidence for the biblical flood based on the Bible’s precise terminology and descriptions.
Scientific evidence gathered by studying hundreds of miles of rock layers surrounding the Grand Canyon are totally consistent with conditions envisaged during Noah's Flood.
Watch now as professional cartographer, Mark Pringle - who digitally mapped the ocean floor for Google Earth - presents scientific evidence of how plate tectonics played a major role in Noah's Flood.
In 1997, geologists Bill Ryan and Walter Pitman published evidence that about 5600 BC a massive flood from glacial melt waters entering the Mediterranean Sea breached the narrow Bosporus opening of the Black Sea causing devastation through the Middle East. Could this documented event be related to Noah’s flood? Scientists believe it’s entirely possible.
Geological rock records indicate that a spectacular flood may have occurred between 8,160 and 8,740 years ago when melt waters from the North American and European Ice Sheets (up to 3 km. thick), rushed into the world's oceans and elevated sea level.
About the same time the ice sheets were melting, more than three quarters of Earth’s large Ice Age animals, including woolly mammoths, mastodons, saber-toothed tigers and giant bears, died out. Scientists have debated for years over the cause of the extinction, with both of the major hypotheses — Human over-hunting and climate change — insufficient to account for the mega die-off.
About the same time the ice sheets were melting, more than three quarters of Earth’s large Ice Age animals, including woolly mammoths, mastodons, saber-toothed tigers and giant bears, died out. Scientists have debated for years over the cause of the extinction, with both of the major hypotheses — Human over-hunting and climate change — insufficient to account for the mega die-off.
The rising Mediterranean waters surged over the now submerged Bosphorus Sill with the force of 200 Niagara Falls flooding both the fertile low-lying plains surrounding the Black Sea and the entire Middle East.
Combined with a deluge from 40 days of non-stop rain would have wiped out early human settlements throughout the Middle East.
When the flood waters finally receded, according to Genesis 8:4, the Ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat in Eastern Turkey - 520 miles northwest from where it was constructed by Noah and his family.